Monday, 27 September 2010 | By: Letty

Big Ben

Finished another puzzle yesterday... It had only 500 pieces again, which took me only a couple of days to build... The problem was only the small size of the pieces...

Sunday, 12 September 2010 | By: Letty

Galinheiro Grill and Frozen Yogurt

Yesterday I went out with a couple of friends to a bar at Vila Madalena that I like and they had never been to... Galinheiro Grill! I just love their food... Everything I have ever eaten there was really good and they even have a delivery service... Of course they are really famous for their chicken, with has its own spice and even those who aren't that found of chicken seem to like it! Other portion they are really know for (but we haven't eaten them yesterday are the fried polenta covered with grated chesse... But for a first time we bet on ordering small portions (meia porção) of different things. We started by ordering some beer, and to eat, the chicken, spicy sausage (linguiça calabrea apimentada) and these little, I don't know to trully explain it, meat fried pasties that have this original flavour (samossas de carne). Then we moved to fries (can't go wrong on that one!) and these, again hard to explain, something that might resemble pumpkin and jerkies cake (bolinhos de abóbora com carne seca)... Uhmmmm sooo good! Apart from the food we obviously had a great time, talking mainly (I don't remember how it started anymore) about movies!

After we were full (and boy we were!), we decided to go have desert somewhere else... And we have been stalling to taste these new frozen yogurt places that have been popping all around latelly. I had some before, but not like these new ones... Well, arriving at Blue Berry (the closest Frozen Yogurt place to Galinheiro Grill), we met two other friends we didn't know would be there... Such a coincidence! We sure stayed there for quite a while as well... It was time to decide which combination of frozen yogurt to try, because, for those who doesn't know, you have this frozen yogurt whose texture is just like ice cream, and you can add the most diverse kind of toppings to it... I decided to go for a natural flavoured one with bananas, granola and honey, eventhough I was in doubt about getting a berry flavoured one with blueberries... But uhmmmm it was so good! I really recommed trying some flavours out, you won't regret it! ;)

Fried polenta with cheese
Frozen yogurt
Some toppings options

PS: OMG I'm getting hungry looking at these photos :(
Tuesday, 7 September 2010 | By: Letty

Rubik's Cube

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

After several internet videos and so on, I finally managed to finish my own Rubik's Cube, which I've had for many years now, but never had the courage to really work on it... But now it's done! =D