Thursday 5 August 2010 | By: Letty


We usually get revolted when we see someone throwing garbage on the streets, don't we? Well, today I witnessed something even worse... As I was on my way to the university I saw this guy walking down the street, he obviously wasn’t just anybody, he was rather well dressed... I hadn't even realized he was eating something until he threw the package, or the paper that was wrapped around what he was eating... directly into a drainage well!! Now come on, the main reason why people shouldn't throw garbage in the streets (besides keeping our streets clean and because it shows a lack of education, hygiene and sense of society) is because when it rains this trash goes together with the water down street gutters and option 1: ends up in our rivers, option 2: clogs the drains! Then why, why on Earth would someone just throw trash inside it? So that it doesn't need to rain for it to get obstructed? To pollute our rivers even more? It is not a god dammed trash can!! ¨&%&#!%@$!
Sorry about the unload, but seriously, I had never seen anything like it... Throwing garbage in the streets is already dumb, but in the drainage well is even dumber!!!


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