Monday 4 October 2010 | By: Letty

Brazil's Elections 2010

I've been meaning to gather up the courage to write this post for a while now... But since after yesterday's elections and the results for a runoff election in four weeks, I felt a bit more confident and decided to write about it.
First thing you need to know is that voting in Brazil is compulsory. That itself can explain a lot of the electoral situation we have here nowadays. I don't think that in a democratic country, voting should be compulsory, it should be a matter of choice, there are lots and lots of people that vote only because they have to, and therefore doesn't really mind in who they are voting for, or aren't interested in politics enough to be able to judge who would better represent them in the government.
We should also have in mind that Brazil is an emerging country, and for that it has really developed regions and quite poor regions co-existing in the same country. Have you ever heard that the south of Brazil is richer (in terms of economy) then the north, being São Paulo (SP) the biggest and richest of all? Now take a look at the election results map of this years presidential elections and tell me what you think about it:
Taken from

But why is the southeast state also for Dilma? Well, she lives in this state's capital. Apart from that, taking everything else into account, it clearly shows a predilection of the better educated states for José Serra (the blue candidate) as the other prefer Dilma Rousseff (the red candidate). The thing is, we here from the biggest city in Brazil, the 3rd biggest city in the world will again be disappointed by the election results. I know international news shows Lula and this new candidate Dilma as Brazil's favourite, but actually for us here, it's completely the other way round... The two biggest newspapers from Sao Paulo decided to publicly support Serra's candidacy (it is important to know that usually, the press doesn't take political sides in Brazil). Nobody likes either of them. It's the northeast region the main responsible for Lula's reelection and for the probable election of Dilma. And I am not talking only about people from São Paulo, because I know lots of people, from several states (even some that Dilma got the majority of votes) like Minas, Rio, RS, etc. and I personally know only one person that voted for Dilma. Of everybody I know from São Paulo or else, only one. So please, don't be deceived, Dilma and Lula are not Brazil's sweethearts! No way. I don't know why people are so mistaken.
At least we got a second round, thank God, because we were getting scared about the possibilites of Dilma winning on the first round. Now we have to try and invert the situation. I know it's hard, but we have to try. I liked Marina very much as well (she got 3rd place), and I truly hope that people who voted for Marina now will vote for Serra.
Serra was already mayor and governor of Sao Paulo city and state, he was ministry of health, where he had brilliant ideas (for brazilians: he created the "medicamentos genéricos" and "vacina de idosos", apart from "nota fiscal paulista", which increased the income of Sao Paulo state and invested in Sao Paulo more than the federal government itself, besides constructing several Km of underground). Dilma was only Lula's cabinet chief, it is widely known that she is gonna be just a puppet of her party and people like her because she killed millitary soldiers and robbed banks during the dictatorship (who likes THAT?), well, Serra was a student leader and was forced to leave the country, and since he got back he's been engaged in political affairs. He has a major in engineering in the best university of south america and a master in economy, Dilma never made it to college and in the debates she can't even complete a sentence that makes sense (and aren't these speeches prepaired?). Wouldn't you trust Sao Paulo, the biggest, richest state of Brazil, where he was already mayor and governor, to know if they wanted him for president?
Now tell me, who would you vote for?

  • A murderer or an exiled (during dictatorship)?
  • An engineer or somebody that can't even say a complete sentence?
  • A guy with brilliant ideas or a puppet?
  • An ex-mayor of the 3rd biggest city in the world and ex-governor of the biggest, richest state of Brazil or an ex-cabinet chief?


All in all, I'm still hoping for a change, for an epiphany, I don't know, for people to realise what's best for Brazil right now. For God's sake, we have the Olympics and the World Cup coming up, and this incoherent lady is going to represent us? COME ON! I can't believe this, I just can't... Another four years of suffering? Let's do our caimpaign and hope for the best on the runoff... :)


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